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SAVE A LIFE + ‘PAY IT FORWARD’ INITIATIVE — Let’s use our hard earned tax dollars to help grass-root organizations — Police Brutality Matters, LLC is helping our youth be the change we need within the communities most affected by social injustice. • With your support and a small contribution of $5, the Save a Life and Pay It Forward Initiative funds will go towards our ‘Save-a-Life Program.‘ • ๐ŸงONLY 2 PEOPLE want this as much as we want to pay it forward! Who is going to participate in our #payitforwardchallenge • IT’S OUR 40K 4/$40 PAY IT FORWARD INITIATIVE!!! NO PURCHASE OR DONATION NECESSARY! _______________________________________ #40k #igfollowers #supporteachother #savealifepayitforward • FOUR (4) PBM SUPPORTERS WILL RECEIVE $40 CASH INTO YOUR CASHAPP OR PAYPAL ACCOUNT! MUST FOLLOW ALL RULES! ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿพ •


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